Murine Astrovirus Tropism for Goblet Cells and Enterocytes Facilitates an IFN-λ Response In Vivo and in Enteroid Cultures

The authors describe a platform to cultivate muAstV using air–liquid interface cultures derived from mouse enteroids, which support apical infection and release.
[Mucosal Immunology]
Ingle, H., Hassan, E., Gawron, J., Mihi, B., Li, Y., Kennedy, E. A., Kalugotla, G., Makimaa, H., Lee, S., Desai, P., McDonald, K. G., Diamond, M. S., Newberry, R. D., Good, M., & Baldridge, M. T. (2021). Murine astrovirus tropism for goblet cells and enterocytes facilitates an IFN-λ response in vivo and in enteroid cultures. Mucosal Immunology, 1–11. Cite