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prostate cells
Prostate Cell News
Protease-Activated Receptor-2 Dependent and Independent Responses of Bone Cells to Prostate Cancer Cell Secretory Products
[Prostate] Scientists investigated a possible role for protease-activated receptor-2 in regulating the behavior of bone cells exposed to metastatic prostate cancer cells.
Prostate Cell News
Cells in Motion: Model of Circulating Tumor Cells in Prostate Cancer
[Biophysical Journal] Investigators noted that circulating tumor cells isolated from prostate cancer patients displayed a specific mechanical phenotype, determined with atomic force microscopy: high softness and high adhesion.
Prostate Cell News
Exercise in Advanced Prostate Cancer Elevates Myokine Levels and Suppresses In-Vitro Cell Growth
[Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases] Researchers examined myokine levels of serum acquired from metastatic CRPC patients recruited to the INTERVAL-GAP4 trial before and after six months of exercise and its tumour-suppressive effect.
Prostate Cell News
Macrophages Connection: Aggressive Nanomechanical Phenotypes of Circulating Tumor Cells in Prostate Cancer
[Biophysical Journal] The authors showed that circulating tumor cells isolated from the blood of prostate cancer patients displayed specific nanomechanical phenotypes characteristic of cell endurance and invasiveness and patient sensitivity to androgen deprivation therapy.
Prostate Cell News
Lactate Rewires Lipid Metabolism and Sustains a Metabolic-Epigenetic Axis in Prostate Cancer
[Cancer Research] Researchers described a mechanism by which CAF-secreted lactate was able to increase the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism in prostate cancer cells.
Prostate Cell News
δ-Tocotrienol Is the Most Potent Vitamin E Form in Inhibiting Prostate Cancer Cell Growth and Inhibits Prostate Carcinogenesis in Ptenp-/- Mice
[Cancer Prevention Research] The authors demonstrated that δ-tocotrienol effectively inhibited the development of prostate adenocarcinoma in Ptenp-/- mice, which involved inhibition of proliferation and angiogenesis and promotion of apoptosis.