| Vol. 15.20 – 23 May, 2024 |
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| A new method to produce kidney organoids with vascular-like structures was achieved through the assembly of hPSC-derived endothelial-like organoids with kidney organoids in 3D. [Advanced Materials] |
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PUBLICATIONSRanked by the impact factor of the journal |
| Researchers developed a breast cancer-on-chip model with an integrated endothelial barrier that enables the transmigration of perfused immune cells, their infiltration into the tumor, and concomitant monitoring of cytokine release during perfused culture over a period of up to eight days. [Cell Stem Cell] |
| Investigators presented a rapid technique for generating collagen bundles with an average length of 90 ± 27 μm and a mean diameter of 5 ± 1.5 μm from tumor tissue debris that underwent mechanical agitation following enzymatic digestion. [Bioactive Materials] |
| Scientists investigated floorplate self-organization in clonal mouse neural tube organoids. Expression of the floorplate marker FOXA2 was initially spatially scattered before resolving into multiple clusters, which underwent competition and sorting, resulting in a stable “winning” floorplate. [Developmental Cell] |
| Researchers created macrophage-containing organoid co-culture models by directly incorporating hiPSC-derived pre-macrophages into organoid and scaffold cell models. [Biofabrication] |
| To elucidate the molecular programs that drive human brain formation, investigators generated a comprehensive trans-omic map of the phosphoproteome, proteome, and transcriptome of the exit of pluripotency and neural differentiation toward human cerebral organoids. [Cell Reports] |
| Microarray 3D bioprinting, a droplet-based printing technology, was used to generate a large number of small organoids on the pillar plate for predictive hepatotoxicity assays. [Lab On A Chip] |
| Investigators generated heterozygous hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) mutant kidney organoids from CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited human ESCs and induced PSCs reprogrammed from a family with HNF1B-associated dysplastic kidney malformations. [Stem Cell Reports] |
| The authors found that apical-out organoids were susceptible to transmissible gastroenteritis virus infection (TGEV), and the expression of representative inflammatory cytokines was significantly upregulated upon TGEV infection. [Journal of Virology] |
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| Scientists provide a rigorous, focused examination of the evolution and impact of organoid bioprinting. It emphasizes the role of organoid bioinks that integrate key cellular components and microenvironmental cues to more accurately replicate native tissue complexity. [Biofabrication] |
| Investigators review current analytical platforms used to characterize human forebrain cortical organoids, highlight challenges, and propose recommendations for future studies to achieve greater precision and uniformity across laboratories. [Stem Cell Reports] |
| City of Hope has been awarded $5.4 million from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to build and fund a stem cell research laboratory on its Duarte, California, campus that will further expand its scientific capabilities. [City of Hope] |
| A legacy gift to a specialized center at the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine will fund emerging research that includes creating miniature-brain-like cells, called “organoids.” [CTV News] |
| June 24 – 26, 2024 Madrid, Spain |
| Baylor College of Medicine – Houston, Texas, United States |
| Virginia Tech – Blacksburg, Virginia, United States |
| University of Antwerp – Antwerp, Belgium |
| University of Luxembourg – Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg |