Cancer Stem Cell News Volume 2.12 | Mar 27 2013


    Cancer Stem Cell News 2.12 March 27, 2013
         In this issue: Publications | Reviews | Industry News | Policy News | Events | Jobs
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    Monoallelic Expression of TMPRSS2/ERG in Prostate Cancer Stem Cells
    Recently, it was shown that up to 80% of prostate tumors harbor at least one chromosomal translocation, and that the most common fusion event, between the prostate-specific TMPRSS2 gene and the ERG oncogene, is a critical, and probably early factor in prostate cancer development. Researchers demonstrated the presence and expression of this significant chromosomal rearrangement in prostate cancer stem cells. [Nat Commun] Abstract | Press Release

    Listen Now: New Podcast on ALDH in Breast Cancer Treatment Response

    PUBLICATIONS (Ranked by impact factor of the journal)

    Preferential Eradication of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Stem Cells by Fenretinide
    Based on in vitro and in vivo evidence, researchers report that fenretinide, a well-tolerated vitamin A derivative, is capable of eradicating leukemia stem cells but not normal hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells at physiologically achievable concentrations. [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA] Abstract

    Tumorigenic Potential of miR-18A* in Glioma Initiating Cells Requires NOTCH-1 Signaling
    Using human glioma initiating cells researchers found that miR-18a* expression promotes clonal proliferation in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. [Stem Cells] Abstract

    Generation of Cancer Stem-Like Cells through the Formation of Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells
    Results revealed that polyploid giant cancer cells represent a resistant form of human cancer using an ancient, evolutionarily conserved mechanism in response to hypoxia stress; they can contribute to the generation of cancer stem-like cells, and also play a fundamental role in regulating tumor heterogeneity, tumor growth and chemoresistance in human cancer. [Oncogene] Abstract

    Snail Depletes the Tumorigenic Potential of Glioblastoma
    Investigators showed that bone morphogenetic protein signaling induces Smad-dependent expression of the transcriptional regulator Snail in a rapid and sustained manner. They found that Snail depletes the glioblastoma multiforme capacity to form gliomaspheres in vitro and to grow tumors in vivo, both of which are important features shared by glioma-initiating cells. [Oncogene] Abstract

    Epigenetic Modulation of the miR-200 Family Is Associated with Transition to a Breast Cancer Stem Cell-Like State
    Researchers utilized immortalized human mammary epithelial cells to investigate the regulation of the miR-200 family during their conversion to a stem-like phenotype. [J Cell Sci] Abstract

    MicroRNA-155 Is a Novel Suppressor of Ovarian Cancer-Initiating Cells that Targets CLDN1
    The authors showed that the downregulation of microRNA-155 in ovarian cancer-initiating cells (OCICs) correlates with CLDN1 (claudin-1) overexpression and the suppression of OCIC invasion. [FEBS Lett] Abstract

    Enrichment of Tumor-Initiating Breast Cancer Cells within a Mammosphere-Culture Microdevice
    Investigators report for the first time a microdevice that enables the selective enrichment, culture, and identification of tumor-initiating cells on native polydimethylsiloxane. [Biomed Microdevices] Abstract

    Enrichment of Stem-Like Cell Population Comprises Transformation Ability of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 2A for Non-Transformed Cells
    LMP2A, an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein, is expressed in EBV-associated malignancies of various cell lineages. LMP2A caused visible tumor formation transplanted in nude mice when transferred to immortalized non-transformed fibroblasts, NIH3T3. LMP2A expression increased the size of Hoechst 33,342 dye excreting side population, in which cancer-initiating cells or cancer stem-like cells were enriched. [Virus Res] Abstract

    Free Interactive Tutorial: Explore Mammary Progenitor Cell Colonies

    The Molecular Fingerprint of High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Reflects Its Fallopian Tube Origin
    The authors summarize data supporting the central role of fallopian tube epithelium in the development of high grade serous ovarian cancer. They highlight the importance of the cancer stem cell identification and understanding of its niche regulation for improvement of therapeutic strategies. [Int J Mol Sci]
    Abstract | Full Article

    Visit our reviews page to see a complete list of reviews in the cancer stem cell research field.


    Cellular Biomedicine Group Marks the Launch of China Clinical Trial for TC-DC Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
    Cellular Biomedicine Group announced that the company launched a clinical trial for TC-DC (Tumor Stem Cell Specific Dendritic Cell) therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer. [Cellular Biomedicine Group] Press Release

    Cancer Cells Disguised as Stem Cells Gain Extra Resistance
    Stem cells are very resilient and have an exceptional capacity to protect themselves. If cancer cells are able to take on such attributes, it is no wonder that it may be difficult to get the better of them. Researchers are especially interested in the signals that control the activity of stem cells and how these can be influenced. One of these signals is Wnt/β-catenin, found in many types of stem cells. [The Research Council of Norway] Press Release

    UC San Diego Cancer Scientists Named to First Class of AACR Fellows
    Five University of California (UC), San Diego scientists and professors are among the first class of the Fellows of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Academy, created to recognize researchers whose scientific contributions have propelled significant innovation and progress against cancer. The entire class consists of 106 individuals, to celebrate the 106 year anniversary of AACR, the world’s first and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research. [University of California, San Diego] Press Release

    National Institutes of Health (United States)

    Food and Drug Administration (United States)

    Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (United States)

    European Medicines Agency (European Union)

    Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (United Kingdom)

    Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia)

    NEW Advances in Ovarian Cancer Research: From Concept to Clinic
    September 18-21, 2013
    Miami, United States

    Visit our
    events page to see a complete list of events in the cancer stem cell community.


    Postdoctoral Scientist (Eli Lilly)

    Postdoctoral Position (University of Kentucky College of Medicine)

    PhD Studentship Opportunity (University of East Anglia)

    Postdoctoral Fellow – Epigenetics (Structural Genomics Consortium at University of Toronto)

    Postdoctoral Fellowship – Hematopoietic and Leukemia Stem Cells (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center)

    PhD Student (Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus)

    PhD Studentship – Signal Transduction and Cancer Research (Department of Medicine, McGill University)

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