Preferential Eradication of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Stem Cells by Fenretinide Based on in vitro and in vivo evidence, researchers report that fenretinide, a well-tolerated vitamin A derivative, is capable of eradicating leukemia stem cells but not normal hematopoietic progenitor/stem cells at physiologically achievable concentrations. [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA] Abstract Tumorigenic Potential of miR-18A* in Glioma Initiating Cells Requires NOTCH-1 Signaling Using human glioma initiating cells researchers found that miR-18a* expression promotes clonal proliferation in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. [Stem Cells] Abstract Generation of Cancer Stem-Like Cells through the Formation of Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells Results revealed that polyploid giant cancer cells represent a resistant form of human cancer using an ancient, evolutionarily conserved mechanism in response to hypoxia stress; they can contribute to the generation of cancer stem-like cells, and also play a fundamental role in regulating tumor heterogeneity, tumor growth and chemoresistance in human cancer. [Oncogene] Abstract Snail Depletes the Tumorigenic Potential of Glioblastoma Investigators showed that bone morphogenetic protein signaling induces Smad-dependent expression of the transcriptional regulator Snail in a rapid and sustained manner. They found that Snail depletes the glioblastoma multiforme capacity to form gliomaspheres in vitro and to grow tumors in vivo, both of which are important features shared by glioma-initiating cells. [Oncogene] Abstract Epigenetic Modulation of the miR-200 Family Is Associated with Transition to a Breast Cancer Stem Cell-Like State Researchers utilized immortalized human mammary epithelial cells to investigate the regulation of the miR-200 family during their conversion to a stem-like phenotype. [J Cell Sci] Abstract MicroRNA-155 Is a Novel Suppressor of Ovarian Cancer-Initiating Cells that Targets CLDN1 The authors showed that the downregulation of microRNA-155 in ovarian cancer-initiating cells (OCICs) correlates with CLDN1 (claudin-1) overexpression and the suppression of OCIC invasion. [FEBS Lett] Abstract Enrichment of Tumor-Initiating Breast Cancer Cells within a Mammosphere-Culture Microdevice Investigators report for the first time a microdevice that enables the selective enrichment, culture, and identification of tumor-initiating cells on native polydimethylsiloxane. [Biomed Microdevices] Abstract Enrichment of Stem-Like Cell Population Comprises Transformation Ability of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 2A for Non-Transformed Cells LMP2A, an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein, is expressed in EBV-associated malignancies of various cell lineages. LMP2A caused visible tumor formation transplanted in nude mice when transferred to immortalized non-transformed fibroblasts, NIH3T3. LMP2A expression increased the size of Hoechst 33,342 dye excreting side population, in which cancer-initiating cells or cancer stem-like cells were enriched. [Virus Res] Abstract  |