Cord Blood News

HER2-Targeting CAR-T Cells Show Highly Efficient Anti-Tumor Activity Against Glioblastoma Both In Vitro and In Vivo

[Genes And Immunity] Researchers constructed third-generation CAR-T cells targeting the HER2 antigen in glioblastoma. HER2-CAR-T cells showed effective anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo.

Combination Therapy With Oncolytic Virus and T Cells or mRNA Vaccine Amplifies Antitumor Effects

[Signal Transduction And Targeted Therapy] Combination therapy significantly increased cytokine and chemokine levels within tumors and recruited CD8+ T cells to the TME to trigger antitumor immune responses.

Cedars-Sinai Physician-Scientist Leads Association of American Physicians

[Cedars Sinai] Dr. Paul Noble, professor of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai and a leading physician-scientist in pulmonary fibrosis, recently began his one-year term as president of the highly regarded Association of American Physicians at the group’s annual meeting in Chicago.

CORRECTING and REPLACING ReNAgade Therapeutics Continues Commitment to GanNA Bio and Glycan Biology

[ReNAgade Therapeutics] ReNAgade Therapeutics announced its ongoing commitment to unlock the potential of glycobiology through support for ongoing research at GanNA Bio, and an integration of the key founders of GanNA Bio into the ReNAgade ecosystem.

Progression of Chronic Liver Disease to Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Implications for Surveillance and Management

[British Journal Of Cancer] Scientists analyzed a prospectively accrued cohort of 2592 chronic liver disease patients with no prior evidence of liver cirrhosis. To track the progression of liver fibrosis prior to HCC diagnosis, they examined serial measurements of Fib-4.

Pre-Diagnostic Plasma Proteomics Profile for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

[JNCI-Journal Of The National Cancer Institute] Researchers measured 1,305 pre-diagnostic SOMAscan proteins from 54 pairs of healthy individuals who subsequently developed HCC and matched non-HCC controls from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

Urban Indoor Gardening Enhances Immune Regulation and Diversifies Skin Microbiota – a Placebo-Controlled Double-Blinded Intervention Study

[Environment International] Investigators provided evidence in support of the core assumption of the hygiene and biodiversity hypotheses of immune-mediated diseases.

Allergen-Encapsulating Nanoparticles Reprogram Pathogenic Allergen-Specific Th2 Cells to Suppress Food Allergy

[Advanced Healthcare Materials] Scientists investigated the ability of allergen-encapsulating nanoparticles (NPs) to directly suppress pathogenic Th2 responses and reactivity in a mouse model of food allergy. NPs associated with pro-tolerogenic antigen-presenting cells, provoking the accumulation of suppressive regulatory T cells in the small intestine lamina propria.

Suppression of Lysosome Metabolism-Meditated GARP/TGF-β1 Complexes Specifically Depletes Regulatory T Cells to Inhibit Breast Cancer Metastasis

[Oncogene] Researchers demonstrated that tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3 interacting protein 3 (TRAF3IP3) in the Treg lysosome was involved in the activation mechanism of transforming growth factor-β1.

Treg-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Roles in Diseases and Theranostics

[Molecular Pharmaceutics] The authors clarified the feasibility and potential of Treg-derived extracellular vesicles (Treg-EVs) in diseases and theranostics, facilitating further research and application of Treg-EVs.

Women’s Health in Calgary Gets Multi-Year Boost Thanks to $10M Investment through Calgary Health Foundation

[Calgary Health Foundation (Globe Newswire)] Calgary Health Foundation announces a $10M investment over two years from the Government of Alberta in support of women’s health initiatives. This commitment will impact healthcare for women throughout southern Alberta. The one-time investment represents a tangible first step toward removing gender disparity in healthcare practice, policy, research, and care.

Sylvester Cancer Adding Cellular Therapy to its Arsenal against Metastatic Melanoma

[University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (EurekAlert!)] Patients in South Florida with metastatic melanoma will soon have access to tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy, following its recent approval by the FDA. It will be available to patients at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.