CIRP Contributes to Multiple Organ Damage in Acute Pancreatitis by Increasing Endothelial Permeability
[Communications Biology] Acute pancreatitis was induced by two hourly intraperitoneal injections of 4.0 g/kg l-arginine in wild-type or cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) knockout mice.
CircSARS-CV2-N1368 from SARS-CoV-2 Impairs Endothelial Cell Function through the Upregulation of ATF7 to Activate TLR4/NF-κB/ROS Signaling
[Acta Pharmacologica Sinica] Three circRNAs derived from the nucleocapsid gene of SARS-CoV-2, namely, circSARS-CV2-Ns, were identified for functional studies.
Compensatory Lymphangiogenesis Is Required for Edema Resolution in Zebrafish
[Scientific Reports] Researchers subjected zebrafish larvae to osmotic stress using hypertonic and isotonic solutions to induce osmotic imbalance and subsequent edema formation.
Etiologies of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
[Gastroenterology Report] Investigators provide a comprehensive analysis of the literature on exocrine pancreatic insufficiency etiology, with a thorough overview to support its consideration as a potential diagnosis.
A Phase II Trial of mTORC1/2 Inhibition in STK11 Deficient Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
[npj Precision Oncology] In arm B2 of the National Lung Matrix Trial 54 patients with NSCLC received vistusertib, of which 49 were STK11-deficient. Objective response and durable clinical benefit rates with 95% credible intervals were estimated from posterior probability distributions generated using Bayesian beta-binomial conjugate analysis.
Glycogen Drives Tumor Initiation and Progression in Lung Adenocarcinoma
[Nature Metabolism] High-throughput spatial analysis of human LUAD samples revealed that glycogen accumulation correlates with increased tumor grade and poor survival.
KSR2 Promotes Self-Renewal and Clonogenicity of Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma
[Molecular Cancer Research] The authors showed that Kinase Suppressor of Ras 2 (KSR2) promoted the self-renewal and clonogenicity of SCLC cells. KSR2 was a molecular scaffold that promoted Raf/MEK/ERK signaling.
Protein Interactions, Calcium, Phosphorylation, and Cholesterol Modulate CFTR Cluster Formation on Membranes
[Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America] Researchers presented evidence that coupling multivalent protein and lipid interactions drove the formation of mesoscale cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-containing clusters or “hubs” on model membranes in a manner consistent with biological phase separation.
In Vivo Prime Editing Rescues Photoreceptor Degeneration in Nonsense Mutant Retinitis Pigmentosa
[Nature Communications] A prime editing system was designed to target the PDE6B Y347X mutation in the rd1 mouse strain, a preclinical retinitis pigmentosa model.
TBC1D30 Regulates Proinsulin and Insulin Secretion and Is the Target of a Genomic Association Signal for Proinsulin
[Diabetologia] Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to create double-strand breaks and prime editing to install substitutions in INS1 832/13 insulinoma cells, scientists generated clonal cell lines with altered TBC1D30, as well as homozygous and heterozygous lines carrying the lead GWAS variant.
From Concept to Cure: The Evolution of CAR-T Cell Therapy
[Molecular Therapy] The authors highlight the key milestones in CAR-T cell evolution, from its invention to its clinical applications.
PTN Activity in Quiescent Neural Stem Cells Mediates Shank3 Overexpression-Induced Manic Behavior
[Nature Communications] Through single-cell RNA sequencing analysis, researchers showed aberrant adult neurogenesis due to increased numbers of quiescent NSCs in a manic mouse model with Shank3 overexpression.