Organoid News

Organoid News is an online resource dedicated to the latest research about and featuring organoids.

Unveiling Radiobiological Traits and Therapeutic Responses of BRAFV600E-Mutant Colorectal Cancer via Patient-Derived Organoids

[Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research] The authors harnessed the fidelity of patient-derived organoids to dissect the molecular landscape of radiosensitivity, with a particular emphasis on BRAFV600E mutations.

High-Dimensional Signaling Analysis of Organoids

[Current Opinion in Cell Biology] Scientists review the recent advances in high-dimensional analysis of cell signalling in organoids. Single-cell technologies provide cell-type specific analysis of multiple biochemical modalities, enabling a deeper understanding of the signalling mechanisms driving cell-fate dynamics.

A Skin Organoid-Based Infection Platform Identifies an Inhibitor Specific for HFMD

[Nature Communications] Scientists used hiPSC-derived skin organoids as a model for EV-A71 infection and found that multiple cell types within the skin organoids, including epidermal cells, hair follicle cells, fibroblasts, and nerve cells, expressed EV-A71 receptors and were susceptible to EV-A71 infection.

Paola Arlotta receives 2025 ISSCR Momentum Award

[Harvard Gazette] The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is honoring Paola Arlotta, with 2025 Momentum Award. Arlotta is the Golub Family Professor of the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and a member at the Broad Institute.

Shaping Early Neural Development by Timed Elevated Tissue Oxygen Tension: Insights from Multiomic Analysis on Human Cerebral Organoids

[Science Advances] The authors used an in vitro human cerebral organoid model with multiomic analysis, integrating advanced microscopies and single-cell RNA sequencing, to monitor tissue oxygen tension during neural development.

Marangoni-Like Tissue Flows Enhance Symmetry Breaking of Embryonic Organoids

[Nature Physics] Researchers focused on the emergence of a primary axis in initially spherical aggregates of mESCs, which mirrorred events in the development of the early mouse embryo.

Origin and Cell Type Specificity of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in C9ORF72 ALS-FTLD Human Brain Organoids

[Science Advances] Investigators generated cerebral organoids derived from hiPSCs of patients with ALS-frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) harboring the C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion alongside CRISPR-corrected isogenic and healthy controls.

Modeling of Lung Organoid-Based Fibrosis for Testing the Sensitivity of Anti-Fibrotic Drugs

[Stem Cell Research & Therapy] Scientists developed a lung organoid-based fibrosis (LOF) model from native lung tissue, and evaluated the potential of the LOFs for the sensitivity test of anti-fibrotic drugs.

Divergent Lineage Trajectories and Genetic Landscapes in Human Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia Organoids Associated with Early Neoplastic Progression

[Gut] A large human gastric intestinal metaplasia organoid cohort, their clonal derivatives and normal gastric organoids for comparison were established. Comprehensive multi-omics profiling and functional characterisation were performed.

Vascularized Organoids: Recent Advances and Applications in Cancer Research

[Clinical and Translational Medicine] The authors provide an in-depth overview of the current landscape of vascularized organoid fabrication and functionality, addressing challenges and opportunities within the field.

Antiretroviral Drug Therapy Does Not Reduce Neuroinflammation in an HIV-1 Infection Brain Organoid Model

[Journal of Neuroinflammation] The authors generated an in vitro model of admixed hematopoietic progenitor cell derived microglia embedded into ESC derived brain organoids.

Bystander Neuronal Progenitors in Forebrain Organoids Promote Protective Antiviral Responses

[Journal of Neuroinflammation] Researchers evaluated the role of intercellular crosstalk in mediating intrinsic neuronal immunity and its contribution to limiting viral infection.

Organoids are three-dimensional cell cultures that more accurately model cell behavior, organ function, and pathology than traditional two-dimensional cell culture. Organoid News was launched in 2020 to help scientists stay up-to-date with this revolutionary new research system. Use Organoid News to stay current with the latest applications and discoveries using organoids, as well as new reviews, jobs, news, and upcoming events.

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