Organoid News

Organoid News is an online resource dedicated to the latest research about and featuring organoids.

Astrocyte-Secreted Cues Promote Neural Maturation and Augment Activity in Human Forebrain Organoids

[Nature Communications] Investigators presented a method to facilitate neuronal maturation by integrating astrocyte-secreted factors into hPSC-derived 2D and 3D neural culture systems.

NASA Award to Fund Research on Brain Cell Behavior in Microgravity

[Kentucky Today] The National Stem Cell Foundation announced a $3.1 million award from NASA to continue its breakthrough studies on brain cell behavior in microgravity.

Cocaine Perturbs Neurodevelopment and Increases Neuroinflammation in a Prenatal Cerebral Organoid Model

[Translational Psychiatry] Using cerebral organoids derived from the human iPSC cell line HPSI1213i-babk_2, scientists investigated cocaine-induced changes of the gene expression regulatory landscape at an early developmental time point.

Callus Organoids Reveal Distinct Cartilage to Bone Transition Mechanisms across Donors and a Role for Biological Sex

[Bone Research] Male and female bone-forming organoids were compared to non-bone-forming organoids regarding their extracellular matrix composition, transcriptome, and secreted proteome signatures to directly link in vivo outcomes to quality metrics.

PKD1 Mutation Perturbs Morphogenesis in Tubular Epithelial Organoids Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Scientific Reports] Scientists reported an efficient method for generating organoids containing a network of polarised and ciliated epithelial tubules.

Leptomeningeal Neural Organoid Fusions as Models to Study Meninges-Brain Signaling

[Stem Cells and Development] Investigators developed a coculture system of neural organoids generated from human iPSCs fused with fetal leptomeninges from mice with fluorescently labeled meninges.

Organoid-Based Single Cell Sequencing Revealed the Lineage Evolution during Docetaxel Treatment in Gastric Cancer

[Cancer Letters] Researchers established docetaxel-sensitive and -resistant gastric cancer organoids and performed single-cell RNA sequencing to identify cellular and molecular alterations.

Accessible Homeostatic Gastric Organoids Reveal Secondary Cell Type-Specific Host-Pathogen Interactions in Helicobacter pylori Infections

[Nature Communications] Investigators introduced a patterned homeostatic human gastric organoid-on-a-chip system with bilateral access that was capable of modeling H. pylori niche establishment and persistent colonization of the gastric epithelium.

Nephron Progenitor Fate Is Modulated by Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor Signaling in Human Kidney Organoids

[Stem Cells] To explore how angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) signaling modulated nephron progenitor fate specification, researchers used iPSC derived human kidney organoids treated with angiotensin II or the AT1R blocker losartan during differentiation.

m6A Deficiency Impairs Hypothalamic Neurogenesis of Feeding-Related Neurons in Mice and Human Organoids and Leads to Adult Obesity in Mice

[Cell Stem Cell] Researchers showed that deletion of m6A writer Mettl14 in the mouse embryonic hypothalamus led to adult obesity, with impaired glucose-insulin homeostasis and increased energy intake.

Recapitulating Hypoxic Metabolism in Cartilaginous Organoids via Adaptive Cell-Matrix Interactions Enhances Histone Lactylation and Cartilage Regeneration

[Nature Communications] Scientists engineered a cell-adaptable supramolecular hydrogel that accommodated the extensive volumetric and morphological changes of encapsulated mesenchymal stromal cells, facilitating the rapid formation of large multicellular cartilaginous organoids.

Establishment and Molecular Characterization of Patient-Derived Organoids for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma

[Leukemia] Investigators developed a culture method for patient-derived primary central nervous system lymphoma organoids and evaluated the organoids through extensive molecular characterisation, histopathological analysis, single-nucleus RNA sequencing, bulk RNA sequencing and whole-exome sequencing.

Organoids are three-dimensional cell cultures that more accurately model cell behavior, organ function, and pathology than traditional two-dimensional cell culture. Organoid News was launched in 2020 to help scientists stay up-to-date with this revolutionary new research system. Use Organoid News to stay current with the latest applications and discoveries using organoids, as well as new reviews, jobs, news, and upcoming events.

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