ESC & iPSC News

ESC & iPSC News is an online resource dedicated to the latest research in the fields of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

EPHA2 Is a Novel Cell Surface Marker of OCT4-Positive Undifferentiated Cells during the Differentiation of Mouse and Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Stem Cells Translational Medicine] Researchers focused on EPHA2, a protein found to be abundantly present on the surface of undifferentiated mouse ESCs and is diminished upon differentiation.

Inhibition of BMP-Mediated SMAD Pathway Supports the Pluripotency of Pig Embryonic Stem Cells in the Absence of Feeder Cells

[Theriogenology] Researchers examined the effects of the BMP signaling pathway inhibitor LDN-193189 on the pluripotency of porcine ESCs in the absence of feeder cells using molecular and transcriptomic techniques.

Rbm46 Inhibits Reactive Oxygen Species in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells through Modulating BNIP3-Mediated Mitophagy

[Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications] Scientists revealed the pivotal role of RNA-binding motif protein 46 (RBM46) in ESCs, acting as a direct post transcriptional regulator of ROS levels by modulating BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa protein-interacting protein 3 (Bnip3) mRNA expression.

Exosomal circ_CCDC7/Gga-miR-6568-3p/Pax7 Axis Accelerates the Differentiation of Chicken Embryonic Stem Cells Infected with Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus

[Poultry Science] The authors confirmed that early infection with J avian leukosis virus could accelerate the differentiation of chicken ESCs and promote the secretion of exosomes.

In Vitro Generation of Trophoblast Like Stem Cells from Goat Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Theriogenology] Investigators established dairy goat iPSCs (giPSCs) from goat ear fibroblast cells with mouse iPSCs morphology, the expression of pluripotent markers and differentiation ability in vitro delivered by piggyBac transposon with nine Dox-inducible exogenous reprogramming factors.

Insights from Multi-omic Modeling of Neurodegeneration in Xeroderma Pigmentosum Using an Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell System

[Cell Reports] Scientists investigated xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) neurodegeneration using PSCs derived from XP patients and healthy relatives, performing functional multi-omics on samples during neuronal differentiation.

Generation and Characterization of Inducible KRAB-dCas9 iPSCs from Primates for Cross-Species CRISPRi

[iScience] Researchers generated and validated three human, three gorilla and two cynomolgus iPS cell lines that carry a dox-inducible KRAB-dCas9 construct in the AAVS1 locus.

Role of Small Molecules as Drug Candidates for Reprogramming Somatic Cells into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: A Comprehensive Review

[Computers in Biology and Medicine] The authors emphasize the versatility and potential safety benefits of small molecules in overcoming challenges associated with the iPSCs reprogramming process.

Loss of KANSL3 Leads to Defective Inner Cell Mass and Early Embryonic Lethality

[Molecular Reproduction and Development] The authors showed that homozygous knockout KAT8 regulatory complex subunit 3 (Kansl3) embryos were lethal at peri-implantation stages, failing to hatch out of the zona pellucida.

Immunohistochemical Properties of Embryonic Telocytes in a Myogenic Microenvironment

[Scientific Reports] Researchers investigated the immunohistochemical features of embryonic telocytes during myogenesis and describe their morphology using light microscopy and TEM.

TET Activity Safeguards Pluripotency throughout Embryonic Dormancy

[Nature Structural & Molecular Biology] Researchers showed that the protection of cis-regulatory elements from silencing was key to maintaining pluripotency in the dormant state.

Generation and Characterization of Scalable and Stable Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Microvascular-Like Endothelial Cells for Cardiac Applications

[Angiogenesis] The authors reported the development and comprehensive characterization of a scalable 3D protocol enabling the generation of phenotypically stable cardiac hPSC-microvascular-like endothelial cells and cardiac pericyte-like cells.

Since 2007, ESC & iPSC News has been providing updates on the top publications, reviews, and news in pluripotent stem cell research. Through our website, Twitter, and email newsletters, our editorial team is proud to help keep researchers and medical professionals up-to-date with the latest discoveries, jobs, and event postings in the pluripotent stem cell field.
