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Allele-Specific Suppression of Variant MHC with High-Precision RNA Nuclease CRISPR-Cas13d Prevents Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

[Circulation] On the basis of Cas13d homology structure, researchers rationally designed a series of Cas13d variants and obtained a high-precision Cas13d variant that specifically cleaved the MYH7 variant RNAs containing 1 allelic single nucleotide variant.

Impact of Busulfan versus Treosulfan Dose Intensity in Myelofibrosis Undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation

[American Journal of Hematology] This study included 1115 patients receiving first hematopoietic cell transplantation between 2005 and 2021. Patients were generally balanced for key patient characteristics.

Wogonin Preconditioning of MSCs Improved Their Therapeutic Efficiency for Colitis through Promoting Glycolysis

[Inflammopharmacology] Investigators employed the DSS-induced acute colitis mouse model to compare the therapeutic effectiveness of MSCs in pretreated with or without wogonin and further explore the underlying mechanism.

Enhancing Genome Editing in hPSCs through Dual Inhibition of DNA Damage Response and Repair Pathways

[Nature Communications] Researchers demonstrated that dual inhibition of p53-mediated cell death and distinct activation of the DNA damage repair system upon DNA damage by cytosine base editor or prime editor additively enhanced editing efficiency in hPSCs.

Genome-Wide CRISPR Screens in Spheroid Culture Reveal That the Tumor Suppressor LKB1 Inhibits Growth via the PIKFYVE Lipid Kinase

[Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America] To identify mechanisms of liver kinase B1 (LKB1)-mediated growth suppression, the authors developed a spheroid-based cell culture assay to study LKB1-dependent growth.

Targeting the Glutamine Metabolism to Suppress Cell Proliferation in Mesenchymal Docetaxel-Resistant Prostate Cancer

[Oncogene] Investigations of glutamine deprivation on docetaxel-sensitive and -resistant (DR) prostate cancer cells revealed that the DR cell sub-lines were susceptible to Gln deprivation.

Three Stepwise pH Progressions in Stratum Corneum for Homeostatic Maintenance of the Skin

[Nature Communications] Researchers used intravital pH imaging at single-corneocyte resolution to demonstrate that corneocytes undergo differentiation to develop three distinct zones in the stratum corneum, each with a distinct pH value.

TASL Mediates Keratinocyte Differentiation by Regulating Intracellular Calcium Levels and Lysosomal Function

[Scientific Reports] Scientists discovered that TLR adaptor interacting with solute carrier family 15 member 4 on the lysosome (TASL) deficiency hindered the proliferation and migration of keratinocytes by inducing G1/S cell cycle arrest.

MLKL, a New Actor of UVB-Induced Apoptosis in Human Diploid Dermal Fibroblasts

[Cell Death Discovery] Investigators evaluated the implication of receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) and mixed lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) in ultraviolet radiation (UV) B-induced cell death in human diploid dermal fibroblasts, and reported that RIPK3 and MLKL played opposite roles in UVB-induced cell death, in a necroptosis independent pathway.

Dermal Dive: An Overview of Cutaneous Wounding Techniques in Zebrafish

[Journal Of Investigative Dermatology] Scientists review some of the techniques that have been developed for eliciting cutaneous wounds in the zebrafish, including an economical method they recently developed using a rotary tool that generates consistent and reproducible full-thickness wounds.

Sympathetic Nerve Signals: Orchestrators of Mammary Development and Stem Cell Vitality

[Journal Of Molecular Cell Biology] Using a mouse mammary gland model, investigators delved into the regulatory role of sympathetic nervous signaling in the context of mammary stem cells and mammary development.

Resf1 Is a Compound G4 Quadruplex-Associated Tumor Suppressor for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

[PLOS Genetics] Researchers identified Resf1 as a novel metastasis susceptibility gene in ER- breast cancer. Reduction of Resf1 resulted in a significant increase in tumor growth, a shortened overall survival time, and increased incidence and number of lung metastases, consistent with patient data.

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